Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery

Under Different Skies is a 10” x 8” 24 page hardcover landscape book featuring a written introduction and 20 colour photographs created using both film and digital techniques, showcasing the major project completed while studying for my MA in Photography.

This project centred on exploring ideas in cosmology and physics and interpreting them through photographing details of commonplace objects within my immediate environment, playing with perceptions and looking at the connection between the micro and the macro and how lenses affect the way we interact with the universe. Read more about Becky Probert.

Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery
Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery
Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery
Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery
Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery
Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery
Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery
Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery


  • Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery

    Becky Probert

    Becky Probert is a Fine Art Photographer based in Glasgow. Her photography focuses on exploring patterns and details within her environment, and abstracting objects by taking them out of their original context, using the lens to transform them and playing with perceptions. She works with both digital and analogue techniques, and creates the colours and effects in her work through manipulation of lighting while shooting. Becky has a keen interest in physics and science fiction which has influenced the direction of her work.


25 x 20cm
24 pages
347g, hardback
£35 + £2.50 post and packing

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Self-published Showcase: Under Different Skies by Becky Probert — Impressions Gallery