Virtual Exhibition: In Which Language Do We Dream?

Visit the gallery from home in this virtual experience.

Explore In Which Language Do We Dream? in this interactive virtual experience created with support from Art Fund.

In the UK, we are familiar with the news headlines and the photographic images of the so-called ‘refugee crisis’. But what happens after displacement to those who are resettled and try to rebuild their lives? What about personal stories, and the relationships that form between new friends and new neighbours? And how do people hold on to loved ones and a past life that they had to leave behind?

In Which Language Do We Dream? offers fresh insights into these issues, through the photographic perspectives of a Syrian family with first-hand experience.

Find out more about the exhibition In Which Language Do We Dream?, with resources, videos and more.

The virtual experience has been created by V-21 Artspace, with support from an Art Fund Respond and Reimagine Grant, as part of our new programme OPEN OUT. Art Fund’s Respond and Reimagine grants offer flexible and responsive funding to help museums adapt to the challenges of the Covid-19 crisis and reimagine future ways of working. Find out more about OPEN OUT here.

In Which Language Do We Dream? was made possible thanks to public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England. The exhibition is a co-created project with curator Anne McNeill guiding the photographic selection through collaboration and discussion with Rich Wiles, Ruba and family.

Virtual Exhibition: In Which Language Do We Dream? — Impressions Gallery