Virtual Exhibition: Through Our Lens: Growing up with Covid-19 — Impressions Gallery

Virtual Exhibition: Through Our Lens: Growing up with Covid-19

Visit the gallery from home in this virtual experience.

Explore Through Our Lens: Growing up with Covid-19 in this interactive virtual experience created with support from Art Fund.

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted lives across the globe, hindering opportunity, enforcing isolation and severing ties between communities. News headlines reveal dangers to the elderly, frustrations of working from home and the struggles of keyworkers maintaining vital services, but what of the so-called ‘Covid generation’, teenagers and young people trying to find their way in this unprecedented time?

Through Our Lens is a project featuring poignant photographs made by a group of diverse young people from the Bradford District during the Covid-19 pandemic. Working with award-winning artist Carolyn Mendelsohn, over 100 young people have been using photography as a tool to document their experiences and help make sense of their changing worlds.

Find out more about the exhibition, with resources, videos and more.

The virtual experience has been captured by V-21 Artspace, with support from an Art Fund Respond and Reimagine Grant, as part of our new programme OPEN OUT. Art Fund’s Respond and Reimagine grants offer flexible and responsive funding to help museums adapt to the challenges of the Covid-19 crisis and reimagine future ways of working. Find out more about OPEN OUT here.

Virtual Exhibition: Through Our Lens: Growing up with Covid-19 — Impressions Gallery