TILT/SHIFT: Approaching Galleries — Impressions Gallery

Join Pippa Oldfield and Angela Sheard from Impressions’ programming team to learn more about how to develop relationships with galleries. This two hour, in-depth group session will feature a presentation and practical activity and is aimed at serious photographers at all levels looking to exhibit their work.

Subjects covered include:

  • How galleries develop exhibition programmes.
  • Understanding what galleries are looking for.
  • Guidance on putting a proposal together.
  • Top tips on building your network.
  • Limited to 12 places, booking essential.

    The event is pay as you feel, recommended pricing: £5 / £10 / £15 or what you can afford.

    Who’s it for?

    This workshop is designed for serious photographers at all levels looking to exhibit their work.

    This workshop is part of TILT/SHIFT, a new professional development programme by Impressions Gallery designed in response to your feedback.