Secondary School workshop: Picturing the Past (KS3 to KS4) — Impressions Gallery

Available until 10 March 2023

This workshop is inspired by our current exhibition Bringing the Beat Back to Bradford. The exhibition looks back on the history of the iconic building previously known as the New Victoria, the Gaumont, and Bradford Odeon.

Pupils will be taken back in time, imagining what it was like when this incredible Art Deco building first opened  in the 1930’s, and its life as a dancehall, bingo hall, cinema and much more.

Our Learning Manager will introduce pupils to the exhibition and 70 year history of the venue, highlighting the memories, photographs and memorabilia of local people who have contributed to the exhibition.

This reflective and practical workshop will give students the chance to explore local heritage, identity and place. Pupils will take part in interactive discussions exploring how memories are preserved through photography and objects.

In the final part of the workshop, pupils will create their own music or film poster inspired by some of the memorabilia in the exhibition.

Curriculum areas: Photography, Art and Design, English, History

Pupils will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the exhibition.
  • Learn how memories are preserved through photography and objects.
  • Learn how to read and interpret images.
  • Make enquiries and develop interpretation.
  • Get creative and develop their own artwork

Booking details

  • Workshop cost £120+VAT.
  • Special workshop price for Artsmark schools of £96+VAT (20% discount).
  • The session time is 2 hours long.
  • Maximum 35 students per session.
  • Where possible, please book at least two weeks in advance.

To book call Jennifer Sobol, Learning Manager on 01274 737843 or email
