Following careful consideration, we have made the very hard decision to close Impressions Gallery for the foreseeable future, in line with advice from the government, NHS and Public Health England.

We have made this decision in the interests of the health and wellbeing of our staff, visitors and the broader community.

Our staff team will continue to work remotely so please keep in touch if you need any information, support or advice.

Whilst the building is closed, our digital channels remain open. We are planning ways to make more digital content available over the coming weeks.

This will start on this Friday 20 March at 4.30pm with the online launch of Forget-me-not by our young people’s collective New Focus, in collaboration with Bradford College. This digital project shares intergenerational stories, with young people exploring how the lives of their ancestors have shaped who they are today.

Keep an eye on our social media and website or join our mailing list for more updates.

We look forward to welcoming you back when we reopen. Stay safe and look after each other,

From everyone at Impressions Gallery.